Here is the digital painting I created that was inspired by the "Impossible" theme. When I heard the theme "Festival of the Impossible," my mind immediately drifted to the old photos and posters that I had seen from the World's Fair at the turn of the last century. They were celebrations that unveiled to the public the technological achievements of a multitude of countries for the first time.
Often what we believe impossible, like man flying, or man walking on the moon, becomes possible and, by consequence, redefines reality. With these thoughts in mind, I drew inspiration from Georges Méliès "Trip to the Moon" (1902) which itself drew inspiration from Jules Verne and H. G. Wells. All of these people saw man's ability to use technology as a means to accomplish fantastic things. Fantasies would become reality--it was just a matter of ingenuity.
Augmented reality is a remarkable vehicle for art and expression. It will push boundaries and reshape that which we used to believe was static. In World's Away, we employ the use of technology to create a perceived window into the world of the artist and make it come alive by creating space, depth, and dynamic movement without physical alterations to the original artwork.